Assessment of current information systems and reporting methods
Comment on inconsistencies within current reporting.
Build on existing management reporting mechanisms and produce meaningful and useful statistics.
Definition of requirements
Management reports are produced for a variety of reasons and at different frequencies depending
on the business profile.
In the logistics industry such reports are often produced on a monthly basis
and contain many KPI’s designed to improve understanding of the past and help to
plan and prepare for the future.
KPI's can be presented within a model that becomes more precise as additional historical data is captured.
Flexibility should be built in to allow for future changes to operational practices.
Design Output
Raw data is abundant in most operations, the issue is how to select and present information in a manner
that is Visual, Relevant, Valid and Concise.
This often means using:
Charts and summaries - to bring out the main points.
Excel spreadsheets - easily accessible for all users.
Reports should be simple to maintain whether in-house or as an external service.